
FLOODLINE 0345 988 1188

Message IssuedWhat it means

Flood Alert

Flood Alert

Flooding is possible. Be prepared.

Flood Alerts are issued for regional areas.

When is it used?
Between two hours and two days in advance of forecast flooding.

What to do

  • Be prepared to act on your flood plan
  • Prepare a flood kit of essential items

Flood Warning

Flood Warning

Flooding is expected. Immediate action required.

Flood Warnings are only issued in local community areas where we monitor river and coastal flooding.

When is it used?
Three to six hours in advance of forecast flooding.

What to do

  • Move your car, family, pets and valuables to a safe place
  • Put flood protection equipment in place

Severe Flood Warning

Severe -flood -warnings -icon

Severe flooding expected. Danger to life.

When is it used?
When flooding will pose a significant risk to life.

What to do

  • Stay safe
  • Prepare to evacuate and co-operate with the emergency services
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